The Benefits Of Taking Part Of This Training Course

The trainer has been working in the treasury environment for 40 years. A very seasoned professional, who has worked internationally in different capacities.

• You will gain knowledge of a most overlooked back-end processes Including treasury systems into the treasury management training, makes it a more informed subject.
• You will get a hands-on practical approach for the subjects.It is intended to show practical application of the subjects we cover, avoiding a theoretical approach as much as possible.
• The exercises will help to prove your understanding of the subjects. Exercise will help you build confidence and provide a deeper understanding.
• You will learn about the exposures and how to manage them effectively. Exposures are critical and knowing how to manage them, will increase your personal and professional value.
• You will understand how important liquidity is for organizations.You gain thorough understanding of cash management.
• You will learn to understand maturity gaps and practically how to manage them.You will see clearly what should be done, and errors that could be made.
• You will see what foreign currency mismatches mean to a balance sheet. From past experiences, this area can be a major disaster. You will learn to make sure it will not happen to you.
• You learn how to make the best informed decisions. Managing liquidity and exposures means making decisions on a daily basis, and you need to be aware how to make them.
• You will become ready for your next step in your professional life. You have learned and gained knowledge of an very important aspect of all organizations.



Know About Your Trainer

Treasury management always has carried a high importance, and in today’s environment, the challenges have even become far greater. For that reason, attending this training course, will help you build a thorough understanding of liquidity management, treasury systems, and selection processes, and further identifying how they are implemented. Further, important areas of hedging and hedge accounting will help you to understand what exposures are about, and how to properly mitigate risk, and what to expect with regards to IFRS9 hedge accounting concepts. Asset and liability management forms part of a treasury function, and carries a heavier weight in relation to the balance sheet. We will present it in a practical format, not diving in a theoretical maze, as most would do. We will rather provide business case sample for clarification purposes, and this will make you fully grasp the concept and execution of it.

Know About Your Trainer

Our consultant is currently a Manager at Money Chats, UK. He worked, since 1978 for international banks and institutions, covering international money-, foreign exchange, and capital markets; as trader, senior trader, Chief dealer, Group Treasurer, and a Senior Consultant. He resided during his career in the following countries; The Netherlands, Singapore, Australia, USA, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Luxembourg, and Qatar, and currently in The Philippines. He managed large portfolios, and has set-up and managed large treasuries. Further, he was involved, hands-on implementations of treasury- and risk management systems, setting up the administrative functions, and the guiding policy documentations for those institutions he worked for. The system selection processes and requirements gathering, provided a deeper understanding of what really matters, and started to form a strong passion for this subject. Some of his articles examples and blogs covering the major subjects of treasury management subjects, appeared Gulf Times, Sydney Morning Herald, Reuters (USA), LinkedIn, Facebook.


Liquidity management

This session will provide insight to cash flow- (liquidity-) management, and several topics will be discussed, but taking a practical approach for this subject. Information flows containing errors, may cause disruption in particular ratios. We will identify them and provide possible solutions for these type of issues. Regulatory ratios will touch upon lightly, but necessary for the application of liquidity management. The case studies and exercises will cover some of those uses.

Corporate cash management

Work efficiently with corporate cash flows, managing financing and investments. Discussing the various options under the corporate treasury control; cash flow statements, internal controls, working capital and common ratios used. Some useful tools will be provided.


• Looking into the general objectives
• Introduction to Liquidity Ratio (LCR) and Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)
• Required information creating an efficient liquidity management process
• Solving cash flow issues, bearing in mind regulatory limitations
• Cash flow exposure types
• Liquidity risk and current ratio
• Liquidity Management- and Contingency Plan
• Liquidity Buffer
• Capital markets (debt funding, equity financing)
• Case studies and exercises

Corporate and Financial institutions risks

Covering fraud-, IT-, FX-,pricing-, reputational-, legal- and customer risks, and transaction- and operational risks.

Treasury Risk

Different aspects are covered with regards to the transaction execution and processes.


• Limits
• Unauthorized access
• Settlements
• Manual processes
• Case studies

Corporate financing

We will provide a clear understanding of corporate finance useful for the corporations as well as for financial institutions

Treasury systems

Discussions revolving around setup and benefits of having full automation. The potential issues and solutions when using treasury management systems.


Controlling of limits

Limits are important to address organizational risk and exposures.


• VaR
• Variance-covariance method
• Earnings at Risk
• Illustrations

Money market & Foreign exchange

Covering the MM and FX products and derivatives in detail

Technical analysis

Providing the tools for efficient exposure management through technical analysis


Eliminating risks is important for most organizations, and hedging is an act that assists in removing, or reducing those risks to an acceptable level. We will learn about the usefulness of this tool and illustrate this through case studies and exercises.


• Wrong hedging and how to correct it
• Building the scenario and hedge strategies
• Documentation concept and approval cycle
• Posting of the transaction

Corporate Financing

Capital funding and structured finance

Debt Capital Markets

We will discuss the various instruments on the market and the Process involved for DCM.

Click to Register Now

1st – 2nd August ‘2022
At Dubai & Online on Zoom

4th – 5th August ‘2022
At PC Hotel Karachi & Online on Zoom

8th – 9th August ‘2022
At PC Hotel Lahore & Online on Zoom

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