About This Course
This course is designed for engineers and others who require an understanding of pipeline design. It is designed to be exhaustive but to present a basic understanding of the fluid flows in pipeline systems. Candidates are introduced to the basic principles underlying fluid mechanics. The nature of statistics and liquids in motion will be studied and fundamental equations covering fluid flow will be applied to situations to which candidates are familiar. Candidates will, therefore, acquire knowledge as to solutions of problems that they may encounter in the future. The course will conclude by putting theory into context by considering the installation of pipelines and fabrication techniques. Tutorials and additional help will be provided at all stages.
Who Should Attend The Course
Course Outline:
Codes and Standards:
- ASME boiler pressure vessel code overview
- ANSI piping and components codes and standards
- AWS, structure welding guide
- ASNT standards
Cost Analysis:
- Total construction cost, diameter of Pipeline, valves and fittings
- Pipeline Pressure rating
- Installation of pipelines underground, pipe coatings
- Pipe supports, elevated supports
- Operational costs, manpower, equipment standing costs (Tankers,
bulk vehicles, blending plants, filling gantries)
Pipe Sizing Calculations:
- Reynolds number
- Dynamic and static head loss
- Pressure loss in elbows, valves and fittings
- Pressure loss calculation
Pipelines System Design:
- Use of standard fittings, elbows, flanges
- Vent valves and drain valves
- Pipe-tracks center line spacings
- Minimum ground clearance
- Minimum clearances over main roads, railways
- Piping below ground, minimum cover
- Pipeline thermal expansion
- Pipe supports and anchoring
- Connection to New Tanks
NDE/NDT Overviewn:
- Radiographic test methods
- On-site inspection of construction practices
- Continuous testing of all or random joints
- Destructive testing of random pipe sectors
- Hydrostatic testing
- Pneumatic pressure testing
- Tracer gas leak testing techniques
- Dye penetrant testing
- Magnetic particle testing
- Ultrasonic testing
Pipeline Fittings:
- Ball valve, plug valve, butterfly valve, globe valve
- Check valve, pressure relief valves
- Motorised valves
- Pumps and strainers
Specifications for Piping, Pipe Fitting, Valves and Pumps:
- Specifications for linepipe quality, pipe diameter and wall thickness
- Specifications for flanges and fittings
- Specifications for valves
- Specifications for pumps / pump requisition sheet